Moving from the brokenness
When we brake the matzah, we are left with a broken piece and we begin the process of searching for the missing piece. We need to realize that there are parts of us that are not complete. The search is to find our completeness.
As long as we feel whole, there is no room left for us to grow. It is when we realize we are but a fragment, that we need the others around us, that so much of us is missing -- that is when miracles begin.
Select ONE question from the list below and ask your friend:
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
2. What would you like to be known for?
3. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
We have to ask ourselves today- What is important to me? What will make me a more accomplished person. We don't want to live in a world of regret.
Top 12 top things you will regret doing in the future.
Not travelling when you had a chance.
Not getting out of a bad relationship.
Caring too much about what people think of you.
Working too much and not quitting a terrible job
Not Playing enough with your kids.
Not spending enough time with your parents.
Made decisions based on other people and not mine.
Stayed in the comfort zone and didn’t take risks
Didn’t take the time to grow as a person.
Being afraid to say I love you
Being afraid to be loved
Didn't realise how beautiful you are.
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Passover Guide
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know more about the holiday? Explore our Passover 101 Guide for answers
to all of your questions.