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"table_of_content": {
"Introduction": [
"Jerry Seinfeld's Passover Stand-Up Introduction - The Yada Yada Haggadah",
"Monty Python Haggadah: The Seder Plate",
"I Flee",
"The Sorting Hat of Passover",
"Let's get this party started",
"Courtesy of Beyonceder",
"The 30-second Seder",
"The 15-second Seder",
"Seder Guests...",
"Hametz - Curb Your Haggadah"
"Songs": [
"Take Me Out to the Seder",
"Our Passover Things (Sung to the tune of \"My Favorite Things\")",
"The Plot of Wonder Woman Meets Chad Gadya",
"Chag Gad Ya Emoji Style",
"Pharoah Pharoah",
"A Whole New World Passover Parody",
"\"Jews\" (Juice by Lizzo)",
"Sweet Charoset - parody song",
"Take Me Out of Mitzrayim"
"Kadesh": [
"Four Cups of Wine",
"Kadesh: Happy Hour Begins"
"Urchatz": [
"2020 Seder Order",
"Seinfeld Urchatz - The Yada Yada Haggadah",
"Wash Your Hands song"
"Karpas": [
"Karpas - The Yada Yada Haggadah",
"Karpas Buzzfeed style quiz",
"Karpas Cocktail",
"Da Dip"
"Tzafun": [
"Afikomen Prize",
"Shalom Sesame: Les Matzarables ",
"Afikoman "
"Yachatz": [
"Aim for the Middle",
"Pharaoh Doesn't Pay",
"Song - Don't sit on the Afikomen",
"Skit - The Real Reason We Had Unleavened Bread"
"Maggid - Beginning": [
"Moses, Aaron, and Pharaoh ",
"A Few of my Favorite Things"
"-- Four Questions": [
"Dr. Seuss' Four Questions",
"Four Questions Asked in Sarcasm",
"Ma Nishtanah",
"Monty Python Haggadah: Four Questions",
"Four Funny Questions"
"-- Four Children": [
"The Good Place - 4 Children",
"Emoji Four children",
"Marx Brothers Four Sons",
"SP - Four Sons",
"Pesah Man (Sing to tune of Piano Man)",
"The Four Sons",
"The Four Sisters",
"Reggae Four Children: No Egypt, No Cry!"
"-- Exodus Story": [
"Let My People Go (song)",
"Exodus story in LEGO",
"Beyonceder - Tell Him Boy Bye",
"Star Wars / Sci-fi Seder Intro",
"Matzah Humor",
"Story of Moses - a memo from Moses to G-d",
"Beyonceder - He Better Call Becky With the Good Hair",
"Skit - The Original Zoom",
"Passover In Pop Culture"
"-- Ten Plagues": [
"Skit - Pharaoh and Moses Go To A Conflict Counselor",
"Dom, Dom",
"Death of the Firstborn",
"Alternate Seinfeld Plagues.",
"50 Ways to Leave Your Pharaoh\u000b",
"Top Ten Rejected Plagues",
"Shalom Auslander - Plauged",
"The Ten Plagues",
"Musical \"Let it Go\"",
"Hamilton Haggadah - Ten Plagues of Egypt"
"-- Cup #2 & Dayenu": [
"Maroon 5/Adam Levine - \"Memories (The 2nd Cup Parody Song)\"",
"Beyonceder - Let's Get in Formation",
"Dayenu: Behind the Music (A Fictional Origins Story)",
"We're Gonna Sing Dayenu (Sing to tune of We Didn't Start the Fire)",
"dayeinu graph"
"Rachtzah": [
"Because we would feel guilty if we didn't",
"Modern Passover"
"Motzi-Matzah": [
"An Ode to Bread",
"No Pasta more Matzah",
"DIY Matzoh Baking",
"Flour + Water = Matzah"
"Maror": [
"Have Yourself a Piece of Bitter Maror"
"Koreich": [
"A Joke of a Sandwich",
"Charoset Ice Cream"
"Shulchan Oreich": [
"Dr. Mom BLOWS UP Passover (Food) (With Science)",
"Matzah Ball Soup"
"Bareich": [
"When Messiah Comes Lyrics"
"Hallel": [
"Les Miselijah",
"Monty Python Haggadah: Elijah's Cup"
"Nirtzah": [
"Beyonceder - Next Year in Jerusalem",
"Monty Python Haggadah: Conclusion",
"Monty Python Haggadah: Afikomen",
"Next Year In Jerusalem Meme"
"Conclusion": [
"Ben & Jerry's Rejected Passover Flavors",
"Be Our Guest, Elijah"
"Commentary / Readings": [
"Monty Python Haggadah",
"Humor and hijinks"
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"covertext": "FIRST PLAGUE AS REPORTED ON TWITTER by Jacob Richman, http://www.jr.co.il/humor/pass72.htm CNN-Alerts: Egyptian water tu...",
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"body": "<p>FIRST PLAGUE AS REPORTED ON TWITTER<br />\nby Jacob Richman, <a href=\"http://www.jr.co.il/humor/pass72.htm\">http://www.jr.co.il/humor/pass72.htm</a></p>\n\n<p>CNN-Alerts: Egyptian water turns to blood</p>\n\n<p>Jewish-Press: G-d sends first plague onto Egypt</p>\n\n<p>BBC-Alerts: Egyptian officials say there is no problem.</p>\n\n<p>Egypt-Ministry-of-Health: Temporary problem with the water supply</p>\n\n<p>Egypt-Opposition: Do not drink the water</p>\n\n<p>Muhamed-the-Egyptian: What the #%&!?</p>\n\n<p>Jacob-the-Jew: What water problem??</p>\n\n<p>Hamas-Guy: Tastes great, less filling</p>\n\n<p>Pharo-the-Great: Anyone see that Moses dude?</p>\n\n<p>Obama-Man: Give the negotiations a chance</p>\n\n<p>Hillary-Clinton: This directed assault is an insult to the United States and our ally Egypt</p>\n\n<p>EU-Council: We condem this aggressive act of violence</p>\n\n<p>The-Hague: We condem the Israelites for war crimes against the Egyptians.</p>\n\n<p>UN-Spokeman: Securty Resolution 2 - Israelites condemed for inciting the Egyptians</p>\n\n<p>Dubai-Police: We have a video of 26 foreigners tampering with the water supply</p>\n\n<p>Joe's-Spring-Water: Get our Egyptian importer on the line</p>\n\n<p>Sarah Palin: They deserve it! Anyone see my shotgun ?</p>\n",
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"covertext": "Passover is a holiday with many different themes. This breadth ensures that no two seders will ever be exactly alike an...",
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"body": "Passover is a holiday with many different themes. This breadth ensures that no two seders will ever be exactly alike and encourages each of us to engage equally, whether this is the first or hundredth seder you’ve attended. It also challenges each of us to connect to the seder on a personal, individual level. The themes offered are just a sampling, what other themes are you drawn to?\n\n<p><u>Redemption</u>: In the Exodus story, the Jews were redeemed physically from slavery. While Pesach is \"z'man heyruteinu,\" the season of our freedom, it is also a festival that speaks of spiritual redemption. Jews were freed from mental as well as physical slavery. It was as a physically and spiritually free people that the Jewish nation prepared to receive the Torah on Mt. Sinai. The seder also includes many allusions to a future messianic redemption. One of the clearest symbols is the Cup of Elijah placed on every seder table. Contained within the salvation from Egypt are the seeds of future redemption, as the Torah states, \"This same night is a night of watching unto the Lord for all the children of Israel throughout their generations\" (Exodus 12:42).</p>\n\n<p><u>Creation</u>: Passover is known by several names in Hebrew, including Chag HaAviv, holiday of the spring. Pesach celebrates spring, rebirth, and renewal, symbolized by the green “ <em>karpas</em> ” and the egg on the seder plate. It is also a time of “beginning,” as exemplified by the first grain harvest and the birth of Israel as a nation. Also, Nissan, this Hebrew month, was traditionally seen as the first month of the Jewish year.</p>\n\n<p><u>Education</u>: Four different times in the Torah, the Jews are commanded to repeat the story of the Passover (Exodus 12:26, 13:8, 14; Deuteronomy 6:20). The seder is centered around teaching the story of the exodus from Egypt. In fact, Haggadah means “the telling.” Two of the most important readings address education head on: the four questions and the four sons. The first encourages even the youngest children to begin asking questions, while the latter instructs us how to respond to different learning styles. Even at a seder without children present, the night takes on an educational feel. Thought provoking questions and supportive debate are encouraged. </p>\n\n<p><u>Patterns of Four</u>: Throughout the seder, you may notice the number four being repeated in many guises. This is based on the verse in Exodus that states, \"I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments, and I will take you to Me for a people, and I will be to you a God…\" (Exodus 6:6-7). Among many other patterns of four at the seder, we drink four cups of wine, ask four questions, and speak about four types of children.</p>\n",
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"title": "Thoughts on Hallel",
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"author_handle": "khspierson75108",
"author_initials": "KP",
"covertext": "Hallel is recited on holidays and on the semi-festival of the new moon (Rosh Hodesh). Many Jews also recite it on the mo...",
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"body": "<p> <em>Hallel is recited on holidays and on the semi-festival of the new moon (Rosh Hodesh). <em>Many Jews also recite it on the modern festivals of Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) and Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day).</em> </em></p>\n\n<p>What are the ideas expressed in Hallel? The Gemara (the Rabbinic debates on the Mishnah) tells us that Hallel includes five major themes (Pesachim 118a):<br />\n <br />\n1. The Exodus from Egypt<br />\n2. The splitting of the Red Sea<br />\n3. The giving of the Torah<br />\n4. The revival of the dead<br />\n5. The difficulties preceding the Messianic Age <br />\n <br />\nIn other words, Hallel deals with all of Jewish history from the birth of our nation to the establishment of the Messianic Era. In Hallel we express our joy at past miracles and our faith in future miracles.<br />\n <br />\nWhat is the nature of Hallel? In it, we praise God's providence for the individual and for the sake of the nation as a whole. In the second section we implore God not to forsake us, neither the nation nor the individual. In the last part of Hallel we thank God for miracles past, present, and future. Since Hallel is a commandment, we must start it with a blessing. We also conclude it with a blessing, which is voluntary. The Rabbis argue over whether the recital of Hallel is a Torah commandment or of rabbinic origin.</p>\n\n<p>We begin Hallel by reciting Psalm 113, a psalm of introductory praises. In Psalm 114, King David shows how God's providence freed the Jews from Egyptian bondage and made their survival possible. In Psalm 115, we appeal for God's assistance. In Psalm 116, we plead with God for survival. In Psalm 117, the shortest of all the Psalms, we invite the nations of the world to join our songs of thanksgiving for our redemption. Finally, Psalm 118 can be interpreted in two different ways. David perhaps personally thanks God for his survival, or perhaps David represents the Jewish people and therefore the Psalm is a song of thanksgiving for the entire nation of Israel.<br />\n <br />\nWhen we come to the end of Hallel, we ask God to save us and let us be successful. Those two requests derive from one verse (Psalms 118:25). There is a principle in Judaism that we must always quote a verse in its entirety and therefore we should properly repeat the entire verse before saying it a second time, but we do not. The reason is that according to the Talmud (Pesachim 119a), the verses we double were part of a dialogue between the prophet Samuel, Yishai--the father of David--and David and his brothers. Each one of those present when David was told he would be king of Israel participated in the dialogue. According to this, <em>ana Hashem hoshi'ah na</em> (-'Please, Hashem, save us\") was said by the brothers. <em>Ana Hashem hatzlichah na</em> (\"Please, Hashem, make us successful\") was said by David himself. True, those two requests were from one verse; however, they were uttered by different people and expressed different ideas. In this special case, we may stop in the middle of a verse.<br />\n <br />\nWe conclude Hallel with a blessing that is not obligatory. According to the Gemara (Sukkah 39b) it depends on the custom of each community. Today, all communities say this blessing.</p>\n\n<p>By <a href=\"http://www.myjewishlearning.com/ix_author.php?aid=46453\">Rabbi Isaiah Wohlgemuth</a></p>\n",
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Matzah Humor
Haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story

Clip Featured in Haggadot'sComedy Seder
Comedy Seder
Table of contentsJerry Seinfeld's Passover Stand-Up Introduction - The Yada Yada Haggadah Matzah Monty Python Haggadah: The Seder Plate I Flee The Sorting Hat of Passover Let's get this party started Courtesy of Beyonceder The 30-second Seder The 15-second Seder Seder Guests... Hametz - Curb Your Haggadah Take Me Out to the Seder Chametz Our Passover Things (Sung to the tune of "My Favorite Things") The Plot of Wonder Woman Meets Chad Gadya Chag Gad Ya Emoji Style Pharoah Pharoah A Whole New World Passover Parody "Jews" (Juice by Lizzo) Sweet Charoset - parody song Take Me Out of Mitzrayim Four Cups of Wine Kadesh: Happy Hour Begins 2020 Seder Order Seinfeld Urchatz - The Yada Yada Haggadah Wash Your Hands song Karpas - The Yada Yada Haggadah Karpas Buzzfeed style quiz Karpas Cocktail Da Dip Afikomen Prize Shalom Sesame: Les Matzarables Afikoman Aim for the Middle Pharaoh Doesn't Pay Song - Don't sit on the Afikomen Skit - The Real Reason We Had Unleavened Bread Moses, Aaron, and Pharaoh A Few of my Favorite Things Dr. Seuss' Four Questions Four Questions Asked in Sarcasm Ma Nishtanah Monty Python Haggadah: Four Questions Four Funny Questions The Good Place - 4 Children Emoji Four children Marx Brothers Four Sons SP - Four Sons Pesah Man (Sing to tune of Piano Man) The Four Sons The Four Sisters Reggae Four Children: No Egypt, No Cry! Let My People Go (song) Exodus story in LEGO Beyonceder - Tell Him Boy Bye Star Wars / Sci-fi Seder Intro Matzah Humor Story of Moses - a memo from Moses to G-d Beyonceder - He Better Call Becky With the Good Hair Skit - The Original Zoom Passover In Pop Culture Skit - Pharaoh and Moses Go To A Conflict Counselor Dom, Dom Death of the Firstborn Alternate Seinfeld Plagues. 50 Ways to Leave Your Pharaoh Top Ten Rejected Plagues FIRST PLAGUE AS REPORTED ON TWITTER Shalom Auslander - Plauged The Ten Plagues Musical "Let it Go" Hamilton Haggadah - Ten Plagues of Egypt Maroon 5/Adam Levine - "Memories (The 2nd Cup Parody Song)" Beyonceder - Let's Get in Formation Dayenu: Behind the Music (A Fictional Origins Story) We're Gonna Sing Dayenu (Sing to tune of We Didn't Start the Fire) dayeinu graph Because we would feel guilty if we didn't Modern Passover An Ode to Bread No Pasta more Matzah Motzi-Matzah DIY Matzoh Baking Flour + Water = Matzah Have Yourself a Piece of Bitter Maror A Joke of a Sandwich Charoset Ice Cream Dr. Mom BLOWS UP Passover (Food) (With Science) Matzah Ball Soup When Messiah Comes Lyrics Les Miselijah Monty Python Haggadah: Elijah's Cup Beyonceder - Next Year in Jerusalem Monty Python Haggadah: Conclusion Monty Python Haggadah: Afikomen Next Year In Jerusalem Meme Ben & Jerry's Rejected Passover Flavors Be Our Guest, Elijah Monty Python Haggadah Humor and hijinks
- Introduction
- Songs
- Kadesh
- Urchatz
- Karpas
- Tzafun
- Yachatz
- Maggid - Beginning
- -- Four Questions
- -- Four Children
- -- Exodus Story
- -- Ten Plagues
- -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
- Rachtzah
- Motzi-Matzah
- Maror
- Koreich
- Shulchan Oreich
- Bareich
- Hallel
- Nirtzah
- Conclusion
- Commentary / Readings
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