There are three pieces of matzo bread on the table in front of us. We will now break the middle matzo into two pieces—the larger of which should be wrapped up and hidden. This is the afikomen.
We eat matzo, as opposed to leavened bread, on Passover, to remember that our ancestors did not have enough time to wait for bread to rise while waiting on Pharoah’s word regarding their freedom.
Lift the three pieces of matzo into the air, and recite: This is the bread of affliction, that our people ate in the land of Egypt. All who are hungry, come and eat; all who are need, come and celebrate this Passover with us.
Read aloud:
"The Lord's Prayer From Guatamala" by Julia Esquivel
Give us this day our daily bread:
the bread of freedom to associate and organize,
the bread of being able to be at home and walk the streets without being abducted,
the bread of not having to search for a place to hide,
the bread of going into the streets without seeing machine guns,
the bread of equality, the bread of happiness.
Let the bread of your work and the bread of education come into our huts, stalks and straw, into our cardboard shacks, and let us carry them in our knapsacks as we travel through life.
The bread of land titles for all campesinos and peasants,
the bread of milk for all children under two years of age who suffer malnutrition and hunger,
the bread of medical assistance for those in the countryside,
the bread of land for the thousands of landless campesinos.
-Contributed and assembled by Julian Cranberg
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