Third Cup for Rememberance

Haggadah Section: Bareich

Now we fill our own glasses with winefor the third time. The third cup is dedicated to remembering those who died in the course of the struggle for revolution. Workers from all backgrounds and walks of life fought and died for the Paris Commune, the Russian Civil War, the Spanish revolution, the Venezuelan revolution, the Haymarket Riot, and so many others. Some people see these sacrifices as revolutionary martyrdom and glorify the bloodshed. But we know socialism will not come on the backs of martyrs but through the struggle of the mass of workers living to build the new world.

Most of the soldiers of the revolution did not join the barricades in order to give their lives for the revolution, but were willing to do so if the struggle failed. We remember their bravery, their hopes for success, their exuberance at victory, their optimism even in defeat. They fought to establish or keep working class control and to spread the inspiration of their struggle across the world. They fought even when the leadership failed them, even the heavy blows of counterrevolution gained the upper hand, even when the propaganda machines turned the world against them.

Let their sacrifice inspire us to build our organization to greater heights and spread the future of socialism as far as possible. We the working class are the vast majority of people on earth, and we have the potential for bloodless revolution if we do not vacillate in our decisions. Let us remember the victories and defeats of revolutionary struggle throughout history and keep them near to us as a foundation for our progress today.

Baruch atah adonai elohenu melech ha-olam, borei prei hagafen.

Blessed are you, Sovereign of the universe, who gives us the fruit of the vine.

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