Techine / Private Woman's Prayer for Candle Lighting

Haggadah Section: Introduction
Techines are women's Yiddish prayers written in the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries, in Eastern and Central Europe. Techines (from the Hebrew word le-hit'hanen, to supplicate) were used by women for prayer at home or in the synagogue. They often refer to specific women's commandments like candle-lighting and contain references to the Matriarchs and other biblical women. For more on techines see Chava Weissler, Voices of the Matriarchs. Boston: Beacon Press, 1998.
May it be Your will, my God and God of my ancestors, to be gracious to me and to all my family and to give us, and all Israel, a good and long life. Remember us with goodness and blessing, and grant us salvation and mercy. Grant us abundant blessing, and fortify the places we call home. May Your Presence dwell among us as we gather here tonight. May we be blessed with wise and learned disciples and children, lovers of God who stand in awe of You, people who speak truth and spread holiness. May those we nurture light the world with Torah and good deeds. Hear the prayers I utter now in the name of our mothers Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Leah, Bilhah and Zilpah. May Your light, reflected in these candles, surround us always. And let us say, Amen.
Adapted by Nurit Shein and Sue Levi Elwell from a traditional Sephardic techine found in Cohen, Jonathon, ed. The Sephardi Haggadah. Jerusalem: Feldheim Publishers, 1988.
Foundation For Family Education, Inc.

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