Order of Seder (almost redundant as they mean the same thing)
1. What's on the Table
2. Kadesh - First Cup of Wine
- Kadesh Fun Facts
3. Urchatz - Hand Washing
4. Karpas -Blessing Over Parsley
- Origins of Gefilte Fish
5. Yachatz - Breaking of the Middle Matzah
- Ha Lachma Anya / The Story of the Matzah
- Yachatz Fun Fact
6. Maggid - Storytelling
- Four Questions
- Four Questions Fun Facts
- Four Children
- Four Children Fun Facts
- Four Children of Star Wars
- Telling the Story and The Ten Plagues
- Note About the Ten Plagues
- Dayenu and Second Cup of Wine
7. Rachtzah - Symbols
8. Motzi-Matzah
- Matzah Al Shum Ma - Why Matzah?
- Matzah Fun Fact
- Maror Al Shum Ma- Why Maror?
- A Meditation on Maror
9. Koreich- Hillel Sandwich
10. Shulchan Oreich- The Meal!
11. Tzafun- Afikomen
- Personal Meditation: Seeking Our Lost Other Half
12. Bareich-Birkat Hamazon / Blessing after the meal and Third Cup of Wine
- Elijah
13. Hallel- Songs and Fourth Cup of Wine
14. Nirtzah and Closing Words
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