The Order of Seder
The Order of the Seder:
The word Seder means order. Tonight's ritual is performed in a specific order, as it has been for thousands of years. The steps represent the Shir Ha'ma’alos in Psalms - the fifteen songs of ascent. Our Seder follows a fifteen-step ascent.
The SEDER of the SEDER
Kadesh - We say the Kiddush - the first cup of wine
Ur'chatz - We wash our hands
Karpas - We dip a vegetable in salt water, and say a blessing
Yachatz - We break the middle matzah, and hide the larger half, the Afikomen
Maggid - We tell the story of Passover, including the four questions, and the second cup of wine
Rachtzah - We wash our hands with a blessing
Motzi - We say the blessing for bread
Matzah - We say the blessing for matzah
Maror - We dip bitter herbs in charoset, and say a blessing
Korech - We eat a sandwich of matzah and bitter herbs
Shulchan Orech - We eat the festive meal
Tzafoon - We eat the Afikomen
Barech - We say the blessings after the meal, say the blessing over the third cup of wine. We welcome Elijah, the prophet
Hallel - We sing songs of praise
Nirtzah - We complete our Seder, praying that god accepts our service
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Passover Guide
Hosting your first Passover Seder? Not sure what food to serve? Curious to
know more about the holiday? Explore our Passover 101 Guide for answers
to all of your questions.