A note about this Haggadah:

Haggadah Section: Introduction

The Pesakh story has been told for several thousand years, but its lessons and magic continue to provide meaning to this very day It is especially relevant today, when so many of us are alienated, pessimistic, fearful and in need of spiritual sustenance.

I have changed very little of the traditional Hagadah. I simply scraped away the male-oriented view of society, and left exposed the rich, earth oriented, joyful, thankful, and optimistic tale that reflects the essence of Jewish culture. Women and girls are brought into full equality with their male counterparts on all levels, historical and spiritual.

Rather than using the male-oriented English-language descriptions (G-d or Lord) to describe our Source, l have chosen to use some of the myriad word from ancient Jewish writings to describe that One, which, in reality, cannot even be described by words: Eternal, HaShem (The Name), Eheyeh (l am that I am), Ayn Sof (Without End), Shadai (Almighty), Yah, YHVH, and oth

The Hebrew language requires either a feminine or masculine word form Since the Eternal is beyond our human concepts of female and male, the prayers are given in both masculine and feminine forms, rather than the male Hebrew only, in traditional Hagadot. Most people say they enjoy reading the two variations in unison, each person choosing her his preferred form. The two sound energies easily merge, us with a vibrant wholeness.

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