New Questions for the Third Year of COVID-19
1. How was preparing for Passover different this year? How did it compare to last year, the second Passover of the Pandemic?
2. During Passover we tell stories both of freedom from and freedom to. Share a time you experienced a lack either or both of these types of freedom.
3. The Mishnah tells us that in every generation a person must view themselves as though they personally left Egypt. This directive is especially important this year – when we’re seeing the largest number of refugees in Europe since World War II – refugees whose travels are narrated in such detail on social media and by journalists. The phrase “never again” has recently appeared again and again across the internet, in connection with the war in Ukraine. What is happening in Ukraine is not the Holocaust as nothing can compare. But at a time when there will soon be no more Holocaust survivors and it will become the next generation’s responsibility to carry the narratives forward, what do you think "never again" means in practice?
4. What stories about survival, escape, discrimination, or oppression do you feel it is your responsibility to tell? What stories do you see as your responsibility to pass down to the next generation? Why are these stories important?
BONUS QUESTION: At all times, but especially in times of widespread hardship, people of marginalized identities and communities are often the most vulnerable. What kind of ally are you or would you like to be? What is at stake for you to act as an ally?
Favorites 2022
- Introduction
- Kadesh
- Urchatz
- Karpas
- Yachatz
- Maggid - Beginning
- Commentary / Readings
- -- Four Questions
- -- Four Children
- -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
- -- Exodus Story
- -- Ten Plagues
- Motzi-Matzah
- Koreich
- Shulchan Oreich
- Rachtzah
- Bareich
- Hallel
- Nirtzah
- Songs
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