Lighting the Festival Candles
Now in the presence of loved ones and friends, we gather to celebrate and learn from the story of the Israelites journey from slavery to freedom. The story reminds us of the transformative power that exists when we confront oppression.
Our Passover celebration begins with the lighting of the candles. As we light these candles may we rededicate ourselves to each other.
(The candles are lit as these blessings are said by everyone):
Nvarech et ruach ha’olam asher kidashatnu bemitzvoteha vetzivatnu lehadlik ner shel yom tov.
Let us bless the source of life, that brings us to this year’s spring and to this year’s seder.
May the festival lights we now kindle
Inspire us to use our powers
To help and not to harm, cause joy and not sorrow, create and not destroy and help all to be free.
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Passover Guide
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to all of your questions.