The Fresh Prince of Passover

Haggadah Section: Introduction

Sung to the tune of "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"

Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
I'd like to take the evening just sit right there
We'll discuss how I led the Jews away from Pharaoh

In eretz mitzrayim born and raised
At the palace is where I spent most of my days
I was sent down the river and found by the pool
Raised by Pharaoh's daughter, clothed, and schooled

Then a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started getting violent with my brotherhood
I killed one slave driver and I got scared
I thought "I'm moving away to go become a shepherd"

I pulled up to a bush not consumed by flames
God told me to return from whence I came
Speak to the Pharaoh and let him finally know
It's time to let my people go

Pharaoh refused! He said no way
God saw that hand and raised him 10 plagues
From bugs to boils, Pharaoh wouldn't budge
Until the Angel of Death took his firstborn son

The darkness came quick, there was no time to pack
I guess that's why I've got this cracker on my back
Up ahead it's the Red Sea, we're finally there
But I check behind me it's the army of Pharaoh

I held up my staff and the Red Sea split
Unfortunately for Pharaoh, his boys weren't so quick
The Egyptians were killed at God's hand
But I thought now, forget it, to the Holy Land

We still get together to retell the tale
In a designated order each year without fail
Drink four glasses of wine, eat food -- there's a ton
Ask questions, sing hallel NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM!

Sara Abadi

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