DAYENU - it would have been enough
A Medieval addition to the Haggadah, this hymn originally contained fifteen verses mirroring the fifteen steps in the Seder. How many are the gifts God bestowed upon us!
Had God:
Brought us out of Egypt and not divided the sea for us, Dayenu
Divided the sea and not permitted us to cross on dry land, Dayenu
Permitted us to cross on dry land and not sustained us for forty years in the desert, Dayenu
Sustained us for forty years in the desert and not fed us with manna, Dayenu
Fed us with manna and not given us the Sabbath, Dayenu
Given us the Sabbath and not brought us to Mount Sinai, Dayenu
Brought us to Mount Sinai and not given us the Torah, Dayenu
Day, dayenu, day, dayenu, day, dayenu, dayenu, dayenu...
Ilu hotsi hotsianu, hotsianu mi-Mitzrayim,
hotisanu mi-Mitzrayim,
Ilu natan natan lanu, natan lanu et ha-Shabbat,
natan lanu et ha-Shabbat, Dayenu.
Ilu natan natan lanu, natan lanu et ha-Torah,
natan lanu et ha-Torah, Dayenu.
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