Yachatz – Breaking of the middle of the three Matzot – יַחַץ

Haggadah Section: Yachatz

We are about to take the middle matzah and divide it in half. This matzah which we break and set aside is a symbol of our unity with Jews throughout the world. We will not conclude our Seder until the missing piece (the Afikomen) is found and spiritually reunited. This is a reminder of the indestructible link which infuses us as a world family. 

In unison we say…

We cannot forget those who remain behind in any land of persecution, fearful of a growing public anti-Semitism or bigotry. To those still seeking liberty of life, to those striving courageously to build a better Jewish life in the country of their choice and to those of all humankind that strive to live a free and equal existence with all people of the world regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity and religion, we pledge our continued vigilance, support, and solidarity.

Later, we will search for the hidden piece of matzah. In much the same way, we seek to reconnect with our neighbors throughout the world. Once having found the missing half, we will be able to continue our Seder. So, too, will the continued bonding of Diaspora Jewry with our homeland allow Israel to grow and blossom as the eternal core of our collective Jewish identity.

In unison, we say…

We pray that they may live in peace, in a land at peace, with a world knowing war no more. We pray that the characteristics that make each human unique will be celebrated everywhere, with a world embracing diversity and knowing prejudice no more.

For the daily meal, there is one loaf of bread; but on the Sabbath there are two loaves as a reminder of the double portion of manna which fell on Friday for the Children of Israel as they traveled in the wilderness. (Exodus 16:22) In honor of Passover, a third matzah was added specifically for the Passover Seder experience.


We break the middle matzah in half and place the larger piece of matzah, the Afikomen, in a napkin and hide it.

The door is opened as a sign of hospitality.

The matzot are uncovered and held up.

Behold the matzah, bread of infliction, which our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt. Let all who are hungry come and eat; all who are needy, come and celebrate the Passover with us.

JQ International GLBT Haggadah
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JQ International GLBT Haggadah
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  • Introduction
  • The History of our Haggadah
  • JQ Haggadah Table of Contents
  • The GLBT Seder Plate
  • GLBT Timeline
    • -- Exodus Story
  • The Story of Exodus
  • The Story of Exodus
    • Kadesh
  • Kadesh
  • Kadesh - Sanctification - קַדֵשׁ
  • The First Cup - Welcome The Festival
    • Urchatz
  • Urchatz - Washing of the Hands
    • Karpas
  • Karpas - Appetizer
  • Karpas - Eating the Green Vegetables
    • Yachatz
  • The Traditional Seder Plate
  • Yachatz – Breaking of the middle of the three Matzot – יַחַץ
  • How Did the Israelites Wind Up in Egypt in the First Place?
    • -- Four Questions
  • The Five Questions
    • -- Four Children
  • The Four Children - GLBT
    • -- Ten Plagues
  • GLBT Ten Plagues
  • The Second Cup - The Ten Plagues
    • -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
  • dayenu! it would have been enough
    • Rachtzah
  • Rachatz -- Washing of the hands before the meal.
  • Traditional Seder Plate Symbols
    • Motzi-Matzah
  • Motzi u'Matzah - Blessing Before The Meal And Over The Matzah
    • Maror
  • Maror - Eating of the Bitter Herbs
    • Koreich
  • Hillel Sandwich
    • Commentary / Readings
  • GLBT Seder Plate In Depth - The Orange, The Coconut, Sour Foods, Fruit Salad, Flowers, Sticks & Stones
    • Shulchan Oreich
  • Shulhan Orech - The Meal
    • Tzafun
  • Find & Eat the Afikomen!
    • Bareich
  • The Third Cup - Redemption
  • Cup of Wine For Elijah, A Cup of Water for Miriam
  • Miriam's Song
    • Hallel
  • The Fourth Cup - Cup of Praise
    • Nirtzah
  • Shortened Translation of Echad Mi Yode'a (Who Knows One)
  • Closing
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