Bendigamos al Altísimo
Bendigamos al Altísimo,
Al Señor que nos creó,
Démosle agradecimiento
Por los bienes que nos dió.
Let us bless the One Most High,
The God who created us,
Let us give thanks
For the good things which God has given us.
Bendigamos al Altísimo,
Por el pan primeramente,
Y por todos los manjares,
Que cumimos juntamente.
Pues cumimos y bebimos alegremente,
Su merced nunca nos faltó,
Let us bless the Most High,
First for the bread and then for all of the delicacies
Which we have eaten together-
for we ate and drank joyfully-
God’s mercy has never failed us.
Hodu la’Adonai ki tov,
ki le’olam chasdo.
Praise God, for God is good,
Whose mercy endures forever.
Bendicha sea la casa muestra,
Que nunca manque en ella fiesta,
Manañas, tardes, y siestas,
Para todo Israel.
Blessed be our house,
May it never lack celebration-
mornings, afternoons, and evenings-
for all of Israel.
Hodu la’Adonai ki tov,
ki le’olam chasdo.
Hodu la’Adonai ki tov,
ki le’olam chasdo.
Praise God, for God is good,
Whose mercy endures forever
Praise God, for God is good,
Whose mercy endures forever.
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Passover Guide
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