About This Art Haggadah

Haggadah Section: Introduction

Welcome the updated Art Haggadah produced by The Tasman Center for Jewish Creativity. We're thrilled you've found it and hope this will add beauty, depth, and curiosity to your Passover experience. The value of Hiddur Mitzvah, or beautifying the commandment or ritual object, has always been a central theme for The Tasman Center for Jewish Creativity. We look for ways to beautify our learning, our rituals, and our experiences of Jewish practice. In doing so, we add additional meaning and connection to our engagement with Judaism.  We hope that using this Art Haggadah at your seder will inspire you to think creatively about each of the elements in the seder. Use this one it's own or as a supplement to a traditional haggadah, or use the artwork to beautify your seder table.

Thank you to everyone who contributed artwork to this collaborative project and special thanks to Stephanie Landes for arrangement. 

Learn more about bringing more mindfulness, creativity and intentionality to your life at www.tasmancenter.org.

Wishing you a joyous and creative Passover!

- Rabbi Sarah Tasman and Valerie Brown, Original creation Passover 2021 / 5781, Updated Passover 2022 / 5782

Clip Featured in The Tasman Center for Jewish Creativity'sThe Tasman Center Art Haggadah
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The Tasman Center Art Haggadah
The Tasman Center for Jewish Creativity
Table of contents
  • Cover Art
  • About This Art Haggadah
  • Seder Plate
  • Seder Plate
    • Kadesh
  • First Cup
    • Urchatz
  • Handwashing
    • Karpas
  • Dipping of Parsley or other green
    • Yachatz
  • Breaking of the Middle Matzah
    • Maggid - Beginning
  • Illustration for the Maggid Page
  • Bread of Affliction
  • Ma Nishtana - Four Questions
  • Four Children
    • -- Ten Plagues
  • The Ten Plagues
    • -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
  • The Second Cup
  • Dayenu
    • Rachtzah
  • Handwashing
    • Motzi-Matzah
  • Blessing Before Eating Bread
  • Blessing Over the Matzah
    • Maror
  • Bitter Herbs
    • Koreich
  • Sandwhich
  • Sandwhich
    • Shulchan Oreich
  • The Meal!
    • Tzafun
  • Eating of the Afikomen
    • Bareich
  • Grace After Meals
  • Third Cup
    • Hallel
  • Fourth Cup
  • Illustration for Hallel
  • Elijah's Cup
  • Miriam's Cup
    • Nirtzah
  • Passover Songs
    • Conclusion
  • Next Year in Jerusalem / Next Year in Person!
  • Thank you!
  • Inspired to create
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    Esther Kustanowitz
    4 Haggadahs44 Clips
    contributor image
    JQ International
    1 Haggadah40 Clips
    contributor image
    MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
    5 Haggadahs109 Clips
    contributor image
    1 Haggadah13 Clips
    contributor image
    1 Haggadah78 Clips
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    Truah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
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    American Jewish World Service
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    contributor image
    3 Haggadahs57 Clips
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    Repair the World
    12 Clips
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    5 Haggadahs48 Clips
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    Be'chol Lashon
    2 Haggadahs27 Clips
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    PJ Library
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    Jewish World Watch
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    Secular Synagogue
    10 Clips
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    1 Haggadah9 Clips
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    The Blue Dove Foundation
    20 Clips
    contributor image
    24 Clips
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    Jewish Emergent Network
    1 Haggadah22 Clips

    Passover Guide

    Hosting your first Passover Seder? Not sure what food to serve? Curious to
    know more about the holiday? Explore our Passover 101 Guide for answers
    to all of your questions.


    Haggadot.com by Recustom, is a free resource for all backgrounds and experiences. Consider making a donation to help support the continuation of this free platform.

    Copyright © 2024 Custom and Craft Jewish Rituals Inc, dba Recustom, dba Haggadot.com.
    All Rights Reserved. 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. EIN: 82-4765805.