10 plagues
Ten Plagues Acknowledge that our freedom was hard-earned
The Passover Story is a story of hope, of how our ancestors came out of a narrow place of suffering and into the Promised Land. Stripped of its religious elements, the tale is, at its core, a human tale, filled with universal struggles and aspirations. But, most importantly, the tale’s essence is the fulfillment of hope.
We tell the story each year, with the benefit of hindsight, with the knowledge that our ancestors did make it through their persecution and out of Egypt. Knowing our ancestors fulfilled their hopes, gives us the courage to do the same.
Like our ancestors, each of us have overcome battles in our lives to get to where we are. Today we rejoice and acknowledge the personal freedom we have each hard-earned by ourselves.
From the Buddist/Jewish Haggadah, we learn All spiritual growth is internal, based upon prayer, meditation, self-observation, as well as the effort that changes our behavior, thoughts, and feelings. So in some sense, ritual does not serve any inherent purpose. Yet every culture, religion, and nation have rituals. They are effective to serve as reminders to think about reality and life’s inner meaning. They also serve as an invitation to pause in thanksgiving. A Passover Seder is a powerful reminder to pay attention to the things that matter most within ourselves and the world in which we live.
Ten plagues fell upon the Egyptians, each one worse that the last. Traditionally we dip a finger or a spoon into our wine glass and then drip a drop for each plague as we recite them.
We regret that our freedom came at the cost of the Egyptians’ suffering, for we are all equal as human beings. As we recall the ten plagues, we also think about the suffering of others, both humans and animals, who were afflicted with the plagues.
The action of spilling drops from our own wine represents our compassion. Each drop becomes a meaningful symbolic action. Not just the thought of compassion. Not just the words. But the practice of compassion.
I will read the Traditional plague from the Story of Exodus and the group will respond with the Modern Day Plague facing many refugees and slaves today. With a finger, remove a drop of wine from your cup and wipe it on your plate, as each plague is mentioned...
Traditional Modern
1. Blood 1. Pollution
2. Frogs 2. Bullying
3, Lice 3. Poverty
4. Wild Beasts 4. Terrorism
5. Blight 5. Lack of access to education
6. Boils 6. Disease
7. Hail 7. Extreme weather shift
8. Locusts 8. Violence
9. Darkness 9. Xenaphobia and Racism
10. The slaying of the First Born 10. Loss of Family
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