Shortened Modernized Gender-Neutral Hallel, based on Traditional Hallel (English and Transliteration)

Haggadah Section: Hallel

BOLD = Leader                          Italics = Participants                     Italics & Bold = Everyone


Lo lanu, Adonai, lo lanu, ki l’shimcha tein kavod, al chasd’cha al amitecha.

Nor for our sake, O Eternal Sovereign, not for our sake, but for your name’s sake give glory, because of your kindness and your truth. O Israel, trust in the Eternal! God is their help and shield. You who revere the Eternal One, trust in Adonai! God is their help and shield. (Psalm 115:1, 11)

Adonai z’charanu y’vareich, y’vareich et beit Yisrael, y’vareich et beit Aharon. Y’vareich yirei Adonai, hak’tanim im hag’dolim. Yoseif Adonai aleichem, aleichem v’al b’neichem. B’ruchim atem l’Adonai, oseih shamayim va’aretz. Hashamayim shamayim l’Adonai, v’haaretz natan livnei adam. Lo hameitim y’hal’lu yah, v’lo kol yor’dei dumah. Va’anachnu n’vareich yah, mei’atah v’ad olam. Hal’luyah.

The Eternal Sovereign who has remembered us will bless; God will bless the house of Israel; the house of Aaron; God will bless those who revere the Eternal One, the small with the great. May the Eternal One increase you, you and your children. You are blessed by the Eternal One, who made the heaven and earth. The heaven is the Eternal One’s, but God has given the earth to mankind. The dead cannot praise the Eternal One, nor can any who go down into silence. We will bless Adonai from this time forth and forever. Halleluyah!  (Psalm 115:12-18)

Ahavti ki yishma Adonai, et koli tachanunay. Ki hitah oz’no li, uv’yamai ekra. Afafuni chevlei mavet, um’tzarei sh’ol m’tzauni, tzarah v’yagon emtza. Uv’sheim Adonai ekra: anah Adonai maltah nafshi! Chanun Adonai v’tzadik, veiloheinu m’racheim.

I love that the Eternal One hears my supplications. Because God has inclined his ear to me, I will call upon God as long as I live. The cords of death encircled me; the pains of the grave have overtaken me; I found trouble and sorrow. Then I called upon the name of the Eternal One: “O Source of all life, save my life!” Gracious is Adonai, and righteous, and our God is merciful.

Mah ashiv l’Adonai, kol tagmulohi alay. Kos y’shuot esa, uv’sheim Adonai ekra.

How can I repay the Eternal One for all God’s kind acts toward me? I will raise the cup of salvations, and call upon the name of Adonai, my God.

Hal’lu et Adonai, kol goyim, shab’chuhu, kol haumim. Ki gavar aleinu chasdo, ve’emet Adonai l’olam, halleluyah.

Give thanks to the Eternal One, all you nations; praise God, all you peoples! For God’s kindness overwhelms us, and the truth of Adonai is forever, Halleluyah! (Psalm 117)


Hodu l’Adonai ki tov,        

Give thanks to the Eternal, for God is good;                             ….. ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

Yomar na Yisrael,  

Let Israel say:                                                                  ….. ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

Yomru na ve’it Aharon,

Let the house of Aaron say:                                                          ….. ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

Yomru na yirei Adonai,

Let those who revere the Eternal One say:                              ….. ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

(Psalm 118:1-4)


Min hameitzar karati yah, anani vamerchav yah. Adonai li lo ira, mah yaaseh li adam?

From the straits I called upon the Eternal One; the Eternal One answered me by placing me in a great expanse. Adonai my God is with me; I have no fear of what man can do to me.

Baruch haba b’sheim Adonai, beirachnuchem mibeit Adonai. Baruch haba b’sheim Adonai, beirachnuchem mibeit Adonai. Eil Adonai vayaer lanu, isru chag ba’avotim ad karnot hamizbei’ach.

Blessed be the one who comes in the name of the Eternal One; We bless you from the house of the Eternal One. Adonai is our God who has shown us light.

Eili atah v’odeka, elohai arom’meka. Eili atah v’odeka, elohai arom’meka. Hodu l’Adonai ki tov, ki l’olam chasdo.

You are my God, and I thank you; You are my God, and I exalt you. Give thanks to the Eternal One, for God is good; God’s kindness endures forever.

Yehallelucha Adonai Eloheinu kol ma’asecha, v’chasidecha tzadikim osai ritzonecha, v’chol amcha bait Yisrael b’rina yodu viyvarchu, viyshabchu v’yiparu, viyrom’mu v’ya’aritzu, v’yakdishu v’yamlichu et shimcha, malkenu. Ki l’cha tov l’hodot u’l’shimcha na’eh l’zamer, ki mai’olam Atah Eil.

All your works praise You, Adonai our God; your pious followers who perform your will, and all your people of the house of Israel, praise, thank, bless, glorify, extol, exalt, revere, sanctify, and coronate your name, our Sovereign. It is fitting to give You thanks, and unto your name it is proper to sing praises, for You are our Eternal God.

Baruch Atah Adonai, Melech m’hulal batishbachot.

Blessed are you Eternal Sovereign God, who is worthy of all thanks and praises.



Give thanks to the Eternal One, for God is good,

Hodu l’Adonai ki tov,                                                      …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

Give thanks to the God above gods,

Hodu lalohei ha’Elohim,                                                 …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

Give thanks to the Sovereign of sovereigns,

Hodu l’Adonai ha’adonim,                                               …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

To God who alone does great wonders,

L’oseh nila’ot g’dolot l’vado,                                          …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

To God who made the heavens with understanding,

L’oseh hashamayim bit’vunah,                                     …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

To God who stretched the earth over the waters,

L’roka ha’aretz al hamayim,                                          …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

To God who made the great lights,

L’oseh orim g’dolim,                                                       …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

The sun to reign by day,

Et hashemesh l’memshelet bayom,                                …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

The moon and the stars to reign by night,

Et hayareich v’kochavim l’memsh’lot balaylah,             …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

With a strong hand and outstretched arm,

B’yad chazakah u’vizro’a n’tuyah,                                      …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

To God who parted the Red Sea,

L’gozer yam suf lig’zarim,                                             …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

And caused Israel to pass through it,

V’he’evir Yisrael b’tocho,                                                …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

To the Eternal One who led God’s people through the wilderness,

L’molich amo bamidbar,                                                  …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

Who remembered us in our low state,

Sheb’shiflainu zachar lanu,                                           …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

And released us from our foes,

Vayif’rikainu mitzrainu,                                                      …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

Who gives food to all creatures,

Notein lechem l’chol basar,                                             …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

Give thanks to God of all heaven,

Hodu l’El hashamim,                                                      …ki l’olam chasdo.

                                                                                          God’s kindness endures forever.

(Psalm 136)


The soul of every living being shall bless your name, Adonai our God the spirit of all flesh shall ever glorify and exalt your remembrance, our Sovereign. Throughout eternity You are God. We have no Sovereign but You, God,

God of all creatures, of all generations, One acclaimed with a multitude of praises, Adonai who guides God’s world with kindness and God’s creatures with mercy.

The Eternal One neither slumbers nor sleeps; God rouses those who sleep, wakens those who slumber, enables the speechless to speak, loosens the bonds of the captives, supports those who are fallen, and raises up those who are bowed down.

To You alone, do we give thanks.

Were our mouth filled with song as the ocean, and our tongue with joy as the endless waves;

were our lips full of praise as the wide heavens, and our eyes shining like the sun or the moon;

were our hands spread out in prayer as the eagles of the sky and our feet running as swiftly as the deer--we should still be unable to thank You and bless your name, Adonai our God and God of our fathers and mothers, for one of the thousands and even myriads of favors which You have bestowed on our mothers and fathers and on us.

You have liberated us from Egypt, Adonai our God, and redeemed us from the house of slavery.

You have fed us in famine and sustained us with plenty.

You have saved us from the sword, helped us to escape the plague, and spared us from severe and enduring diseases.

Until now your mercy has helped us, and your kindness has not forsaken us; may You, Eternal One, our God, never abandon us.

Therefore, the limbs which You have given us, the spirit and soul which You have breathed into our nostrils, and the tongue which You have placed in our mouth, shall all thank and bless, praise and glorify, exalt and revere, sanctify and acclaim your name, our Sovereign God.

Yishtabach shimcha la’ad malkeinu, Ha’El hamelech hagadol v’hakadosh bashamayim u’va’aretz, ki l’cha na’eh, Adonai Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu, shir u’shvachah, hallel v’zimrah, oaz u’memshalah, netzach, g’dulah u’g’vurah, t’hilah v’tiferet, k’dushah u’malchut, brachot v’hoda’ot mai’atah v’ad olam. Baruch Atah Adonai, El melech gadol batishbachot, El hahoda’ot, adon hanifla’ot, Habocher b’shirei zimrah, Melech el chay ha’olamim.

Praise be your name forever, our Sovereign, who rules and is great and holy in heaven and on earth; for to You, Adonai our God, it is fitting to render song and praise, hallel and psalms, power and dominion, victory, glory and might, praise and beauty, holiness and sovereignty, blessings and thanks, from now and forever.


Sara Smith, Free Siddur Project, Adapted

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